
My name is Bobby, I’m 30 years old and live in Fort Lauderdale FL. I struggled with alc and white and my sobriety date is 5/30/2022.

I grew up in Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania. My childhood was great for the most part. I had a loving family and a lot of friends, was highly involved in hockey and played professionally in Europe and in the states.

I would get lost in Europe, ending with random dealers and missing practice. Then it wouldn’t happen again for awhile. I felt like I had a switch which I could turn on and off.

In 2020, Covid shut down the world and I had to hang up the skates and get a job, which changed my mindset to – I deserve to drink and drug after a hard day of work. Once my father died of Covid in 2021, it felt like the switch broke and I would drink and use daily to numb the pain.

Some days I wouldn’t sleep for 3 days and show up to work banged up just looking forward to 3pm so I can do it all over. I couldn’t stop.

I began to lose friends due to robbing them or bailing on plans we made. I broke my mothers heart by always being drunk and I just became sick and tired. One morning in May I made a call to check myself into rehab in Florida and everything changed.

I am now over a year sober and work in treatment. I attend a couple meetings a week, worked all 12 steps of A.A, workout, read, golf, hit the beach. I can still be social and have fun, I just have to stay aware. I have never been happier in my life.

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