
Cam's Story

Cam Williamson is the founder of the #Shatterit Movement & host of The Road 2 Redemption Podcast. Cam was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio where he left in 2010 to pursue the military after a difficult upbringing. Cam ended his U.S.Army career in 2018 after a trying deployment to Guantanamo Bay. The Shatter it Movement / R2R Podcast was started circa 2016 after Cam fought for his life in a 10 year alcoholism/mental health battle. In October of 2016 Cam walked out of his terrible situation and made a promise that he would SHATTER the labels & stigmas surrounding, Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Now, with years of sobriety under his belt and the tools that were used to achieve it, it’s time to keep that promise! Cam is an influential Internet personality sharing his stories and life lessons for anyone hurting and searching!
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